73 lines
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73 lines
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package main
import (
rl "github.com/gen2brain/raylib-go/raylib"
// CircleAnimator manages both the position/radius alpha (0..1)
// and the displayed progress which eases toward the actual SPM progress.
type CircleAnimator struct {
PosAlpha float32 // 0 => top-right, 1 => center
DisplayProgress float32 // The "smooth" progress shown on screen
targetStep int // The step controlling circle's final position (0..2 => top-right, 3 => center)
// For smoothing the circle position alpha with "easeInOutCubic"
accumSec float32
duration float32
startAlpha float32
endAlpha float32
// For smoothing the displayed progress
// We'll do a simple exponential approach each frame.
// Alternatively, you could do a time-based tween.
smoothingFactor float32 // e.g. 0.1 => about 10% approach per frame
// NewCircleAnimator sets initial defaults
func NewCircleAnimator() *CircleAnimator {
return &CircleAnimator{
PosAlpha: 0.0, // start at top-right
DisplayProgress: 0.0,
duration: 1.0, // 1 second total for position tween
smoothingFactor: 0.07, // how fast progress approaches real
// SetStep sets whether we want circle in top-right (step<3 => alpha=0) or center (step=3 => alpha=1).
// This starts a new positional tween from current alpha to the new alpha.
func (c *CircleAnimator) SetStep(step int) {
c.targetStep = step
var newEnd float32 = 0.0
if step == 3 {
newEnd = 1.0
// Start new tween from current alpha to newEnd
c.startAlpha = c.PosAlpha
c.endAlpha = newEnd
c.accumSec = 0
// Update updates both the position alpha (with easeInOutCubic) and the displayed progress.
func (c *CircleAnimator) Update(realProgress int) {
dt := rl.GetFrameTime() // seconds
// 1) Update position alpha
if c.accumSec < c.duration {
c.accumSec += dt
if c.accumSec > c.duration {
c.accumSec = c.duration
p := c.accumSec / c.duration
eased := easeInOutCubic(p)
// Lerp from startAlpha to endAlpha with eased fraction
c.PosAlpha = c.startAlpha + (c.endAlpha-c.startAlpha)*eased
} else {
// no active tween, just keep the final alpha
c.PosAlpha = c.endAlpha
// 2) Smoothly approach the real progress
// (exponential approach: new = old + factor*(target - old))
target := float32(realProgress)
c.DisplayProgress += c.smoothingFactor * (target - c.DisplayProgress)