partisan b403befe74
Some checks failed
/ test-on-windows (push) Failing after 9s
/ test-on-alpine (push) Successful in 1m14s
fixed windows bugs
2025-01-21 23:31:53 +01:00

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12 KiB
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package main
import (
rl ""
var (
transition = NewTransitionManager()
currentStep = 0
targetStep = 0
useDefault = false
step1DefaultRect rl.Rectangle
step1CustomRect rl.Rectangle
installer = NewInstaller()
// We no longer store circleToCenter or "display progress" here.
// Instead, we use the new CircleAnimator:
circleAnimator = NewCircleAnimator()
// textHoverFade => for the small circles info text in steps 0..2
textHoverFade float32
const finalStep = 3
func main() {
monitor := rl.GetCurrentMonitor()
if monitor < 0 {
monitor = 0 // Fallback to the primary monitor
screenW := rl.GetMonitorWidth(monitor)
screenH := rl.GetMonitorHeight(monitor)
rl.InitWindow(int32(screenW), int32(screenH), "Spitfire Browser Installer")
defer rl.CloseWindow()
refreshRate := rl.GetMonitorRefreshRate(monitor)
if refreshRate <= 0 {
refreshRate = 60
InitBackground(rl.GetScreenWidth(), rl.GetScreenHeight())
// Start the download+decompress in background immediately
// Initially step 0 => circle is top-right => circleAnimator.PosAlpha=0
for !rl.WindowShouldClose() {
screenW = rl.GetScreenWidth()
screenH = rl.GetScreenHeight()
mousePos := rl.GetMousePosition()
buttonW := 100
buttonH := 30
prevX := int32(50)
prevY := int32(screenH - 50)
nextX := int32(screenW - 150)
nextY := prevY
// Transition update
oldAlpha, oldScale, oldOffsetX, newAlpha, newScale, newOffsetX := transition.Update()
if !transition.IsActive() && currentStep != targetStep {
currentStep = targetStep
// Update circleAnimator step so it moves (0 => top-right, 3 => center)
// Poll SPM progress
// If error
if installer.LastError != nil {
fmt.Println("SPM Error:", installer.LastError)
// Update circle animator every frame
// This will ease the actual SPM progress => "DisplayProgress"
// textHoverFade for step<3
if currentStep < finalStep {
topRightX := float32(screenW - 80)
topRightY := float32(100)
radius := float32(30)
dx := mousePos.X - topRightX
dy := mousePos.Y - topRightY
dist := float32(math.Sqrt(float64(dx*dx + dy*dy)))
if dist < radius+30 {
textHoverFade += 0.1
if textHoverFade > 1 {
textHoverFade = 1
} else {
textHoverFade -= 0.1
if textHoverFade < 0 {
textHoverFade = 0
} else {
textHoverFade = 0
// Mouse input
if !transition.IsActive() && rl.IsMouseButtonPressed(rl.MouseLeftButton) {
handleInput(mousePos, screenW, screenH, buttonW, buttonH, prevX, prevY, nextX, nextY)
UpdateBackground(screenW, screenH)
DrawBackground(screenW, screenH)
oldStep := currentStep
newStep := currentStep
if transition.IsActive() {
oldStep = transition.oldStep
newStep = transition.newStep
phase := transition.GetPhase()
if transition.IsActive() {
if phase == TransitionOutFadeScale {
drawStep(oldStep, screenW, screenH, mousePos, oldAlpha, oldScale, oldOffsetX)
} else {
drawStep(oldStep, screenW, screenH, mousePos, oldAlpha, oldScale, oldOffsetX)
drawStep(newStep, screenW, screenH, mousePos, newAlpha, newScale, newOffsetX)
} else {
drawStep(currentStep, screenW, screenH, mousePos, 1, 1, 0)
// Nav buttons if not final step
if !transition.IsActive() && currentStep < finalStep {
if currentStep > 0 && currentStep < 3 {
drawButton("Previous", prevX, prevY, int32(buttonW), int32(buttonH), mousePos)
if currentStep == 1 {
drawButton("Next", nextX, nextY, int32(buttonW), int32(buttonH), mousePos)
} else if currentStep == 2 {
drawButton("Finish", nextX, nextY, int32(buttonW), int32(buttonH), mousePos)
// Draw the circle
drawInstallCircle(screenW, screenH, circleAnimator.PosAlpha, circleAnimator.DisplayProgress, installer.DoneInstall, textHoverFade)
func handleInput(mousePos rl.Vector2, screenW, screenH, buttonW, buttonH int, prevX, prevY, nextX, nextY int32) {
switch currentStep {
case 0:
if overRect(mousePos, step1DefaultRect) {
useDefault = true
if !installer.IsInstalling && !installer.DoneInstall {
startTransition(currentStep, finalStep)
if overRect(mousePos, step1CustomRect) {
useDefault = false
startTransition(currentStep, 1)
case 1:
if overButton(mousePos, nextX, nextY, int32(buttonW), int32(buttonH)) {
startTransition(currentStep, 2)
if overButton(mousePos, int32(prevX), int32(prevY), int32(buttonW), int32(buttonH)) {
startTransition(currentStep, 0)
case 2:
if overButton(mousePos, nextX, nextY, int32(buttonW), int32(buttonH)) {
if !installer.IsInstalling && !installer.DoneInstall {
fmt.Printf("Installation started:\nDefault: %v\nColor: %s\nTheme: %s\nLayout: %s\n", useDefault, selectedColor, selectedTheme, selectedLayout)
startTransition(currentStep, finalStep)
if overButton(mousePos, int32(prevX), int32(prevY), int32(buttonW), int32(buttonH)) {
startTransition(currentStep, 1)
func drawHeader(screenW int) {
title := "Spitfire Browser Installer"
titleFontSize := int32(30)
titleWidth := rl.MeasureText(title, titleFontSize)
rl.DrawText(title, (int32(screenW)-titleWidth)/2, 20, titleFontSize, rl.RayWhite)
rl.DrawLine(50, 60, int32(screenW)-50, 60, rl.Fade(rl.White, 0.5))
// Now we pass "displayProgress" (0..100) as a float, "posAlpha" in [0..1],
// plus "doneInstall" to show the "Run App" button
func drawInstallCircle(screenW, screenH int, posAlpha, displayProgress float32, doneInstall bool, hoverAlpha float32) {
// Lerp position/radius
topRight := rl.Vector2{X: float32(screenW - 80), Y: 100}
center := rl.Vector2{X: float32(screenW) / 2, Y: float32(screenH)/2 - 50}
x := lerp(topRight.X, center.X, posAlpha)
y := lerp(topRight.Y, center.Y, posAlpha)
r := lerp(30, 60, posAlpha)
// Draw background circle
bgColor := rl.Color{255, 255, 255, 80}
fillColor := rl.Color{255, 255, 255, 200}
rl.DrawCircle(int32(x), int32(y), r, bgColor)
angle := displayProgress / 100.0 * 360.0
rl.DrawCircleSector(rl.Vector2{X: x, Y: y}, r, 0, angle, 60, fillColor)
// Draw numeric progress
txt := fmt.Sprintf("%3.0f%%", displayProgress)
var fontSize int32 = 18
if posAlpha > 0.5 {
fontSize = 24 // bigger in final steps
txtW := rl.MeasureText(txt, fontSize)
rl.DrawText(txt, int32(x)-txtW/2, int32(y)-(fontSize/2), fontSize, rl.White)
if currentStep < finalStep {
// show the task text with "hoverAlpha"
if hoverAlpha > 0 {
drawTextWrappedAlpha(installer.Task, int32(x)-100, int32(y)+35, 200, 18, rl.White, hoverAlpha)
} else {
// final step => always show text, lower so bigger circle won't overlap
drawTextWrapped(installer.Task, int32(x)-100, int32(y+r+10), 200, 18, rl.White)
if doneInstall {
drawRunAppButton(x, y+r+80)
// "Run App" button logic is the same
func drawRunAppButton(cx, cy float32) {
w := float32(180)
h := float32(50)
rect := rl.Rectangle{X: cx - w/2, Y: cy, Width: w, Height: h}
hovered := overRect(rl.GetMousePosition(), rect)
drawRoundedRectButton(rect, "Start Spitfire", 1.0, hovered)
if hovered && rl.IsMouseButtonPressed(rl.MouseLeftButton) {
fmt.Println("Launching the app (placeholder)...")
// linear interpolation
func lerp(a, b, t float32) float32 {
return a + (b-a)*t
// Helper for text wrapping with alpha
func drawTextWrappedAlpha(text string, x, y, maxWidth, fontSize int32, color rl.Color, alpha float32) {
words := splitIntoWords(text)
line := ""
offsetY := int32(0)
for _, word := range words {
testLine := line + word + " "
if rl.MeasureText(testLine, fontSize) > int32(maxWidth) {
drawColoredText(line, x, y+offsetY, fontSize, color)
line = word + " "
offsetY += fontSize + 2
} else {
line = testLine
if line != "" {
drawColoredText(line, x, y+offsetY, fontSize, color)
// Same as drawTextWrapped, just using a color param
func drawColoredText(text string, x, y, fontSize int32, color rl.Color) {
rl.DrawText(text, x, y, fontSize, color)
// Custom function to draw text with wrapping
func drawTextWrapped(text string, x, y int32, maxWidth, fontSize int32, color rl.Color) {
words := splitIntoWords(text)
line := ""
offsetY := int32(0)
for _, word := range words {
testLine := line + word + " "
if rl.MeasureText(testLine, fontSize) > int32(maxWidth) {
rl.DrawText(line, x, y+offsetY, fontSize, color)
line = word + " "
offsetY += fontSize + 2
} else {
line = testLine
// Draw the last line
if line != "" {
rl.DrawText(line, x, y+offsetY, fontSize, color)
// Helper function to split text into words
func splitIntoWords(text string) []string {
words := []string{}
word := ""
for _, char := range text {
if char == ' ' || char == '\n' {
if word != "" {
words = append(words, word)
word = ""
if char == '\n' {
words = append(words, "\n")
} else {
word += string(char)
if word != "" {
words = append(words, word)
return words
// startTransition is your existing function
func startTransition(from, to int) {
targetStep = to
transition.Start(from, to)
// SPM example
// package main
// import (
// "fmt"
// "os"
// "path/filepath"
// "spitfire-installer/spm"
// "time"
// )
// func main() {
// // Start a goroutine to display progress updates
// done := make(chan bool)
// go func() {
// for {
// select {
// case <-done:
// return
// default:
// percentage, task := spm.GetProgress()
// fmt.Printf("\r[%3d%%] %s", percentage, task)
// time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
// }
// }
// }()
// // Set up the download directory
// downloadDir := spm.GetTempDownloadDir()
// fmt.Println("\nTemporary download directory:", downloadDir)
// // Download the APPINDEX
// appIndexPath := filepath.Join(downloadDir, "APPINDEX")
// spm.UpdateProgress(0, "Starting APPINDEX download")
// if err := spm.DownloadAppIndex(appIndexPath); err != nil {
// fmt.Println("\nError downloading APPINDEX:", err)
// done <- true
// os.Exit(1)
// }
// // Download the desired package version (e.g., nightly)
// packageName := "spitfire-browser"
// release := "nightly"
// spm.UpdateProgress(0, "Starting package download")
// if err := spm.DownloadPackageFromAppIndex(appIndexPath, packageName, release, downloadDir); err != nil {
// fmt.Println("\nError downloading package:", err)
// done <- true
// os.Exit(1)
// }
// // Decompress and install
// packagePath := filepath.Join(downloadDir, "browser-amd64-nightly-linux.tar.gz")
// spm.UpdateProgress(0, "Starting decompression")
// tempDir, err := spm.DecompressToTemp(packagePath)
// if err != nil {
// fmt.Println("\nError decompressing package:", err)
// done <- true
// os.Exit(1)
// }
// fmt.Println("\nDecompressed package to:", tempDir)
// // Generate default install directory
// installDir, err := spm.GetDefaultInstallDir()
// if err != nil {
// inst.LastError = fmt.Errorf("failed to determine default install directory: %w", err)
// return
// }
// spm.UpdateProgress(0, "Starting installation")
// if err := spm.MoveFilesToInstallDir(tempDir, installDir); err != nil {
// fmt.Println("\nError installing package:", err)
// done <- true
// os.Exit(1)
// }
// // Notify progress display to stop and finalize
// done <- true
// fmt.Printf("\nSuccessfully installed %s (%s) to %s\n", packageName, release, installDir)
// }