msgid "settings_title"
msgstr "Settings"

msgid "settings"
msgstr "Settings"

msgid "theme"
msgstr "Theme"

msgid "theme_dark"
msgstr "Dark"

msgid "theme_light"
msgstr "Light"

msgid "theme_night"
msgstr "Night"

msgid "theme_black"
msgstr "Black"

msgid "theme_mocha"
msgstr "Mocha"

msgid "theme_latte"
msgstr "Latte"

msgid "safe_search"
msgstr "Safe Search"

msgid "off"
msgstr "Off"

msgid "on"
msgstr "On"

msgid "site_language"
msgstr "Site Language"

msgid "search_language"
msgstr "Search Language"

msgid "no_results"
msgstr "No results found for '%s'. Try different keywords."

msgid "no_more_results"
msgstr "Looks like this is the end of results."

msgid "safe_search_off"
msgstr "Safe Search Off"

msgid "safe_search_on"
msgstr "Safe Search On"

msgid "save_settings"
msgstr "Save settings"

msgid "all_settings"
msgstr "All settings"

msgid "site_name"
msgstr "QGato"

msgid "search"
msgstr "Search"

msgid "web"
msgstr "Web"

msgid "image"
msgstr "Image"

msgid "images"
msgstr "Images"

msgid "video"
msgstr "Video"

msgid "videos"
msgstr "Videos"

msgid "forum"
msgstr "Forum"

msgid "forums"
msgstr "Forums"

msgid "map"
msgstr "Map"

msgid "maps"
msgstr "Maps"

msgid "file"
msgstr "File"

msgid "torrents"
msgstr "Torrents"

msgid "searching_for_new_results"
msgstr "Searching for new results..."

msgid "previous"
msgstr "Previous"

msgid "next"
msgstr "Next"

msgid "fetched_in"
msgstr "Fetched in %s seconds"

msgid "sort_seeders"
msgstr "Number of Seeders"

msgid "sort_leechers"
msgstr "Number of Leechers"

msgid "sort_lth"
msgstr "Size (Low to High)"

msgid "sort_htl"
msgstr "Size (High to Low)"

msgid "category_all"
msgstr "All Categories"

msgid "category_movie"
msgstr "Movies"

msgid "category_audiobook"
msgstr "Audiobooks"

msgid "category_tv"
msgstr "TV Shows"

msgid "category_games"
msgstr "Games"

msgid "category_software"
msgstr "Software"

msgid "category_anime"
msgstr "Anime"

msgid "category_music"
msgstr "Music"

msgid "category_xxx"
msgstr "XXX (18+)"

msgid "apply_settings"
msgstr "Apply settings"

msgid "error"
msgstr "Error"

msgid "views"
msgstr "views"

msgid "seeders"
msgstr "Seeders"

msgid "leechers"
msgstr "Leechers"

msgid "no_results_found"
msgstr "Your search '%s' came back with no results."

msgid "suggest_rephrase"
msgstr "Try rephrasing your search term and/or correct any spelling mistakes."

msgid "streets"
msgstr "Streets"

msgid "satellite"
msgstr "Satellite"

msgid "esri_satellite"
msgstr "Esri Satellite"

msgid "topographic"
msgstr "Topographic"

msgid "locate_me"
msgstr "Locate Me"

msgid "you_are_within"
msgstr "You are within "

msgid "meters_from_point"
msgstr "meters from this point"