
198 lines
5.2 KiB

package main
import (
// Document represents a single document to be indexed.
// You can add more fields if needed.
type Document struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Link string `json:"link"`
Title string `json:"title"`
Tags string `json:"tags"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Popularity int64 `json:"popularity"`
var (
// Global Bleve index handle
bleveIndex bleve.Index
// startPeriodicIndexing refreshes the index from a file periodically
func startPeriodicIndexing(filePath string, interval time.Duration) {
go func() {
for {
printDebug("Refreshing index from %s", filePath)
if err := IndexFile(filePath); err != nil {
printErr("Failed to refresh index: %v", err)
// InitIndex ensures that the Bleve index is created or opened.
func InitIndex() error {
idx, err := bleve.Open(filepath.Join(config.DriveCache.Path, "index.bleve"))
if err == bleve.ErrorIndexPathDoesNotExist {
// Index doesn't exist, create a new one
mapping := bleve.NewIndexMapping()
// Custom mapping for the document
docMapping := bleve.NewDocumentMapping()
// Text fields with custom analyzers for better tokenization
textFieldMapping := bleve.NewTextFieldMapping()
textFieldMapping.Analyzer = "standard" // Use standard analyzer for partial and fuzzy matches
docMapping.AddFieldMappingsAt("title", textFieldMapping)
docMapping.AddFieldMappingsAt("description", textFieldMapping)
docMapping.AddFieldMappingsAt("tags", textFieldMapping)
// Numeric field for popularity
popularityMapping := bleve.NewNumericFieldMapping()
docMapping.AddFieldMappingsAt("popularity", popularityMapping)
mapping.AddDocumentMapping("Document", docMapping)
idx, err = bleve.New(filepath.Join(config.DriveCache.Path, "index.bleve"), mapping)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create index: %v", err)
} else if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to open index: %v", err)
bleveIndex = idx
return nil
// IndexFile reads a file line-by-line and indexes each line as a document.
// Each line represents a simple document. Adjust parsing as needed.
func IndexFile(filePath string) error {
file, err := os.Open(filePath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to open file for indexing: %v", err)
defer file.Close()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
batch := bleveIndex.NewBatch()
indexedDomains := make(map[string]bool) // Track indexed domains
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
// Split the line into 5 fields: link|title|tags|description|popularity
parts := strings.SplitN(line, "|", 5)
if len(parts) < 5 {
continue // Skip malformed lines
domain := parts[0]
popularity, _ := strconv.ParseInt(parts[4], 10, 64)
// Skip if the domain is already indexed
if indexedDomains[domain] {
doc := Document{
ID: domain, // Use the domain as the unique ID
Link: parts[0],
Title: parts[1],
Tags: parts[2],
Description: parts[3],
Popularity: popularity,
err := batch.Index(doc.ID, map[string]interface{}{
"title": doc.Title,
"description": doc.Description,
"link": doc.Link,
"tags": doc.Tags,
"popularity": doc.Popularity,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to index document: %v", err)
indexedDomains[domain] = true // Mark the domain as indexed
// Commit the batch
if err := bleveIndex.Batch(batch); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error committing batch: %v", err)
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error reading file: %v", err)
printDebug("Indexed %d unique domains from %s", len(indexedDomains), filePath)
return nil
// SearchIndex performs a full-text search on the indexed data.
func SearchIndex(queryStr string, page, pageSize int) ([]Document, error) {
// Create compound query
exactMatch := bleve.NewMatchQuery(queryStr) // Exact match
fuzzyMatch := bleve.NewFuzzyQuery(queryStr) // Fuzzy match
fuzzyMatch.Fuzziness = 2
prefixMatch := bleve.NewPrefixQuery(queryStr) // Prefix match
query := bleve.NewDisjunctionQuery(exactMatch, fuzzyMatch, prefixMatch)
req := bleve.NewSearchRequest(query)
req.Fields = []string{"title", "description", "link", "tags", "popularity"}
// Pagination
req.Size = pageSize
req.From = (page - 1) * pageSize
// Sort by popularity
res, err := bleveIndex.Search(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("search error: %v", err)
var docs []Document
for _, hit := range res.Hits {
title := fmt.Sprintf("%v", hit.Fields["title"])
description := fmt.Sprintf("%v", hit.Fields["description"])
link := fmt.Sprintf("%v", hit.Fields["link"])
tags := fmt.Sprintf("%v", hit.Fields["tags"])
popularity := int64(0)
if pop, ok := hit.Fields["popularity"].(float64); ok {
popularity = int64(pop)
if link == "<nil>" || title == "<nil>" {
docs = append(docs, Document{
ID: hit.ID,
Title: title,
Description: description,
Link: link,
Tags: tags,
Popularity: popularity,
return docs, nil