2024-12-02 09:20:42 +01:00

412 lines
13 KiB

package main
import (
var configFilePath = "./config.ini"
type CacheConfig struct {
Duration time.Duration
MaxUsageBytes uint64 // Store as bytes for uniformity
Path string
type Config struct {
Port int // Added
AuthCode string // Added
PeerID string // Added
Peers []string
Domain string // Added
NodesEnabled bool // Added
CrawlerEnabled bool // Added
WebsiteEnabled bool // Added
RamCacheEnabled bool
DriveCacheEnabled bool // Added
LogLevel int // Added
DriveCache CacheConfig
RamCache CacheConfig
var defaultConfig = Config{
Port: 5000,
Domain: "localhost",
Peers: []string{},
AuthCode: generateStrongRandomString(64),
NodesEnabled: false,
CrawlerEnabled: true,
WebsiteEnabled: true,
RamCacheEnabled: true,
DriveCacheEnabled: false,
LogLevel: 1,
DriveCache: CacheConfig{
Duration: 48 * time.Hour, // Added
Path: "./cache", // Added
MaxUsageBytes: parseMaxUsageDrive("90 %", config.DriveCache.Path), // Added
RamCache: CacheConfig{
Duration: 6 * time.Hour, // Added
MaxUsageBytes: parseMaxUsageRam("90%"), // Added
func initConfig() error {
// Check if the configuration file exists
if _, err := os.Stat(configFilePath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
// If not, create a new configuration
return createConfig()
printInfo("Configuration file already exists. Loading configuration.")
// Load existing configuration
config = loadConfig()
return nil
func createConfig() error {
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
printMessage("Configuration file not found. Let's set it up.")
printMessage("Do you want to use default values? (yes/NO): ")
useDefaults, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
if strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(useDefaults)) != "yes" {
// Server settings
printMessage("Enter port (default 5000): ")
portStr, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
portStr = strings.TrimSpace(portStr)
if portStr != "" {
port, err := strconv.Atoi(portStr)
if err == nil {
config.Port = port
} else {
printWarn("Invalid port, using default (5000).")
config.Port = defaultConfig.Port
} else {
config.Port = defaultConfig.Port
printMessage("Enter your domain address (default localhost): ")
domain, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
config.Domain = strings.TrimSpace(domain)
if config.Domain == "" {
config.Domain = defaultConfig.Domain
// Cache settings
printMessage("Would you like to configure Cache settings (yes/NO): ")
configureCache, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
if strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(configureCache)) == "yes" {
// RamCache settings
printMessage("Enter duration to store results in Ram (default 6h): ")
ramDurationStr, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
ramDurationStr = strings.TrimSpace(ramDurationStr)
if ramDurationStr == "" {
config.RamCache.Duration = defaultConfig.RamCache.Duration
config.RamCacheEnabled = defaultConfig.RamCacheEnabled
} else {
ramDuration, err := time.ParseDuration(ramDurationStr)
if err != nil || ramDuration == 0 {
printWarn("Invalid duration, using default (6h).")
config.RamCache.Duration = defaultConfig.RamCache.Duration
config.RamCacheEnabled = defaultConfig.RamCacheEnabled
} else {
config.RamCache.Duration = ramDuration
config.RamCacheEnabled = true
printMessage("Enter RamCache max usage, e.g., 2 GiB or 80%% (default 90%%): ")
ramMaxUsage, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
ramMaxUsage = strings.TrimSpace(ramMaxUsage)
if ramMaxUsage == "" {
config.RamCache.MaxUsageBytes = defaultConfig.RamCache.MaxUsageBytes
} else if ramMaxUsage == "0" || parseMaxUsageRam(ramMaxUsage) == 0 {
config.RamCacheEnabled = false
} else {
config.RamCache.MaxUsageBytes = parseMaxUsageRam(ramMaxUsage)
if config.RamCache.MaxUsageBytes == 0 {
printWarn("Invalid RamCache max usage, using default (90%%).")
config.RamCache.MaxUsageBytes = defaultConfig.RamCache.MaxUsageBytes
// DriveCache settings
printMessage("Enter duration to store results in DriveCache (default 0h): ")
driveDurationStr, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
driveDurationStr = strings.TrimSpace(driveDurationStr)
if driveDurationStr == "" {
config.DriveCache.Duration = defaultConfig.DriveCache.Duration
config.DriveCacheEnabled = defaultConfig.DriveCacheEnabled
} else {
driveDuration, err := time.ParseDuration(driveDurationStr)
if err != nil || driveDuration == 0 {
printErr("Invalid duration, using default (48h).")
config.DriveCache.Duration = defaultConfig.DriveCache.Duration
config.DriveCacheEnabled = defaultConfig.DriveCacheEnabled
} else {
config.DriveCache.Duration = driveDuration
config.DriveCacheEnabled = true
printMessage("Enter DriveCache path (default ./cache): ")
drivePath, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
drivePath = strings.TrimSpace(drivePath)
if drivePath == "" {
config.DriveCache.Path = defaultConfig.DriveCache.Path
} else {
config.DriveCache.Path = drivePath
printMessage("Enter DriveCache max usage, e.g., 2 GiB or 90%% (default 90%%): ")
driveMaxUsage, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
driveMaxUsage = strings.TrimSpace(driveMaxUsage)
if driveMaxUsage == "" {
config.DriveCache.MaxUsageBytes = defaultConfig.DriveCache.MaxUsageBytes
} else if driveMaxUsage == "0" || parseMaxUsageDrive(driveMaxUsage, drivePath) == 0 {
config.DriveCacheEnabled = false
} else {
config.DriveCache.MaxUsageBytes = parseMaxUsageDrive(driveMaxUsage, drivePath)
if config.DriveCache.MaxUsageBytes == 0 {
printWarn("Invalid DriveCache max usage, using default (1 TiB).")
config.DriveCache.MaxUsageBytes = defaultConfig.DriveCache.MaxUsageBytes
} else {
printInfo("Cache settings skipped. Using default values.")
config.RamCache = defaultConfig.RamCache
config.DriveCache = defaultConfig.DriveCache
} else {
// Use default configuration
config = defaultConfig
// Generate AuthCode if missing
if config.AuthCode == "" {
config.AuthCode = generateStrongRandomString(64)
printMessage("Generated connection code: %s\n", config.AuthCode)
// Set other default values
config.NodesEnabled = defaultConfig.NodesEnabled
config.CrawlerEnabled = defaultConfig.CrawlerEnabled
config.WebsiteEnabled = defaultConfig.WebsiteEnabled
config.LogLevel = defaultConfig.LogLevel
// Save configuration to file
printInfo("Configuration saved successfully.")
return nil
func saveConfig(config Config) {
cfg := ini.Empty()
// Server section
sec := cfg.Section("Server")
// Peers section
peersSec := cfg.Section("Peers")
peersSec.Key("Peers").SetValue(strings.Join(config.Peers, ","))
// Features section
featuresSec := cfg.Section("Features")
// DriveCache section
driveSec := cfg.Section("DriveCache")
// driveSec.Key("MaxConcurrentDownloads.Thumbnail").SetValue(strconv.Itoa(config.DriveCache.MaxConcurrentThumbnailDownloads))
// RamCache section
ramSec := cfg.Section("RamCache")
err := cfg.SaveTo(configFilePath)
if err != nil {
printErr("Error writing to config file: %v", err)
func loadConfig() Config {
cfg, err := ini.Load(configFilePath)
if err != nil {
printErr("Error opening config file: %v", err)
// Server
port, _ := cfg.Section("Server").Key("Port").Int()
domain := cfg.Section("Server").Key("Domain").String()
logLevel, _ := cfg.Section("Server").Key("LogLevel").Int()
// Peers
authCode := cfg.Section("Peers").Key("AuthCode").String()
peersStr := cfg.Section("Peers").Key("Peers").String()
peers := strings.Split(peersStr, ",")
// Features
nodesEnabled, _ := cfg.Section("Features").Key("Nodes").Bool()
crawlerEnabled, _ := cfg.Section("Features").Key("Crawler").Bool()
websiteEnabled, _ := cfg.Section("Features").Key("Website").Bool()
ramCacheEnabled, _ := cfg.Section("Features").Key("RamCache").Bool()
driveCacheEnabled, _ := cfg.Section("Features").Key("DriveCache").Bool()
// DriveCache
driveDuration, _ := time.ParseDuration(cfg.Section("DriveCache").Key("Duration").String())
drivePath := cfg.Section("DriveCache").Key("Path").String()
driveMaxUsage := parseMaxUsageDrive(cfg.Section("DriveCache").Key("MaxUsage").String(), drivePath)
// maxConcurrentDownloads, _ := cfg.Section("DriveCache").Key("MaxConcurrentDownloads.Thumbnail").Int()
// if maxConcurrentDownloads == 0 {
// maxConcurrentDownloads = defaultConfig.DriveCache.MaxConcurrentThumbnailDownloads
// }
// RamCache
ramDuration, _ := time.ParseDuration(cfg.Section("RamCache").Key("Duration").String())
ramMaxUsage := parseMaxUsageRam(cfg.Section("RamCache").Key("MaxUsage").String())
return Config{
Port: port,
Domain: domain,
LogLevel: logLevel,
AuthCode: authCode, // Assign AuthCode here
Peers: peers,
NodesEnabled: nodesEnabled,
CrawlerEnabled: crawlerEnabled,
WebsiteEnabled: websiteEnabled,
RamCacheEnabled: ramCacheEnabled,
DriveCacheEnabled: driveCacheEnabled,
DriveCache: CacheConfig{
Duration: driveDuration,
MaxUsageBytes: driveMaxUsage,
Path: drivePath,
// MaxConcurrentThumbnailDownloads: maxConcurrentDownloads,
RamCache: CacheConfig{
Duration: ramDuration,
MaxUsageBytes: ramMaxUsage,
// Helper to parse MaxUsage string into bytes
func parseMaxUsageRam(value string) uint64 {
const GiB = 1024 * 1024 * 1024
value = strings.TrimSpace(value)
valueNoSpaces := strings.ReplaceAll(value, " ", "")
if strings.HasSuffix(valueNoSpaces, "%") {
percentStr := strings.TrimSuffix(valueNoSpaces, "%")
percent, err := strconv.ParseFloat(percentStr, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0
totalMem := getTotalMemory()
return uint64(float64(totalMem) * (percent / 100))
} else if strings.HasSuffix(valueNoSpaces, "GiB") {
sizeStr := strings.TrimSuffix(valueNoSpaces, "GiB")
size, err := strconv.ParseFloat(sizeStr, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0
return uint64(size * GiB)
return 0
// Helper to parse MaxUsage string into bytes based on drive space
func parseMaxUsageDrive(value string, cachePath string) uint64 {
const GiB = 1024 * 1024 * 1024
value = strings.TrimSpace(value)
valueNoSpaces := strings.ReplaceAll(value, " ", "")
totalDiskSpace := getTotalDiskSpace(cachePath)
if totalDiskSpace == 0 {
printErr("Failed to retrieve disk space for path: %s", cachePath)
return 0
if strings.HasSuffix(valueNoSpaces, "%") {
percentStr := strings.TrimSuffix(valueNoSpaces, "%")
percent, err := strconv.ParseFloat(percentStr, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0
return uint64(float64(totalDiskSpace) * (percent / 100))
} else if strings.HasSuffix(valueNoSpaces, "GiB") {
sizeStr := strings.TrimSuffix(valueNoSpaces, "GiB")
size, err := strconv.ParseFloat(sizeStr, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0
return uint64(size * GiB)
return 0
// Get total disk space of the system where cachePath resides
func getTotalDiskSpace(cachePath string) uint64 {
var stat syscall.Statfs_t
// Get filesystem stats for the cache path
absPath, err := filepath.Abs(cachePath)
if err != nil {
printErr("Failed to resolve absolute path for: %s", cachePath)
return 0
err = syscall.Statfs(absPath, &stat)
if err != nil {
printErr("Failed to retrieve filesystem stats for: %s", absPath)
return 0
// Total disk space in bytes
return stat.Blocks * uint64(stat.Bsize)
// Helper to format bytes back to human-readable string
func formatMaxUsage(bytes uint64) string {
const GiB = 1024 * 1024 * 1024
if bytes >= GiB {
return fmt.Sprintf("%.2fGiB", float64(bytes)/GiB)
return fmt.Sprintf("%dbytes", bytes)
// Get total memory of the system
func getTotalMemory() uint64 {
v, err := mem.VirtualMemory()
if err != nil {
printErr("Failed to retrieve system memory: %v", err)
return 0
return v.Total