2025-01-12 16:46:52 +01:00

142 lines
3.7 KiB

package main
import (
var config Config
func main() {
// Command-line flags
portFlag := flag.Int("port", 0, "Port number to run the application (overrides config)")
domainFlag := flag.String("domain", "", "Domain address for the application (overrides config)")
skipConfigFlag := flag.Bool("skip-config-check", false, "Skip interactive prompts and load config.ini")
// Parse command-line flags
if *skipConfigFlag {
// Skip interactive configuration
if _, err := os.Stat(configFilePath); err == nil {
// Load from config file if it exists
config = loadConfig()
} else {
// Use defaults if config file does not exist
config = defaultConfig
saveConfig(config) // Save the defaults to config.ini
printInfo("Configuration saved to %s", configFilePath)
} else {
// Initialize configuration interactively or from config file
err := initConfig()
if err != nil {
printErr("Error during initialization: %v", err)
// Override with command-line arguments if provided
if *portFlag != 0 {
config.Port = *portFlag
if *domainFlag != "" {
config.Domain = *domainFlag
if config.AuthCode == "" {
config.AuthCode = generateStrongRandomString(64)
printInfo("Generated connection code: %s\n", config.AuthCode)
// Generate Host ID
hostID, nodeErr := generateHostID()
if nodeErr != nil {
printErr("Failed to generate host ID: %v", nodeErr)
config.PeerID = hostID
if config.CrawlerProxyEnabled || config.MetaProxyEnabled {
// Initiate Browser Agent updater
if config.MetaSearchEnabled || config.IndexerEnabled {
go periodicAgentUpdate()
InitializeLanguage("en") // Initialize language before generating OpenSearch
// Start the node client only if NodesEnabled is true
if config.NodesEnabled {
go startNodeClient()
printInfo("Node client started.")
} else {
printInfo("Node client is disabled.")
// Check if the cache directory exists when caching is enabled
if config.DriveCacheEnabled {
cacheDir := config.DriveCache.Path
imagesDir := filepath.Join(cacheDir, "images")
// Check if the directory already exists
if _, err := os.Stat(imagesDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
// Try to create the directory since it doesn't exist
if err := os.MkdirAll(imagesDir, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
printErr("Error: Failed to create cache or images directory '%s': %v", imagesDir, err)
os.Exit(1) // Exit with a non-zero status to indicate an error
// Print a warning if the directory had to be created
printWarn("Warning: Created missing directory '%s'.", imagesDir)
// Start periodic cleanup of expired cache files
if config.DriveCacheEnabled {
go cleanExpiredCachedImages()
printInfo("Drive cache started.")
} else {
printInfo("Drive cache is disabled.")
// Start periodic cleanup of expired cache files
if config.RamCacheEnabled {
resultsCache = NewResultsCache()
geocodeCache = NewGeocodeCache()
printInfo("RAM cache started.")
} else {
printInfo("RAM cache is disabled.")
// Init indexer
if config.IndexerEnabled {
if err := downloadAndSetupDomainsCSV(); err != nil {
printErr("Failed to set up domains.csv: %v", err)
err := InitIndex()
if err != nil {
printErr("Failed to initialize index: %v", err)
// No longer needed as crawled data are indexed imidietly
// // Start periodic indexing (every 2 minutes)
// dataFilePath := filepath.Join(config.DriveCache.Path, "data_to_index.txt")
// startPeriodicIndexing(dataFilePath, 2*time.Minute)
printInfo("Indexer is enabled.")
} else {
printInfo("Indexer is disabled.")